plastic road
plastic road for future



Today we are living with an area of plastic. Peoples are also respected to this product and industries are also likely to research and development for new products, which will meet customer requirements.

But return we have destroyed our nearby area with a lot of wastage. In this time this plastic garbage is more hilarious to social people, municipality & government, etc.

plastic road
the plastic road for future

Hence lots of organizations are involved and doing research & development for how to be used this regularly generated plastic wastage. In between the KWS group of Volkes vessels is more initiative regarding to use this garbage in the road to replace civil construction.

Some Key Benefits:

– Enables Quick repair
– Life expectancy 2-3 times longer than regular road
– Simple and attractive
– Good efficient
– Low cost
– Easier construction
– Better Sustainable
– Light Weight
– Contributes circular economy
– Contribution to the social problem of plastic waste (which we have been generated regularly)

What is the Plastic road concept?

The plastic road is a road which is made of plastic recycling. It is prefabricated and to be hollow space for various applications like water storage, piping, and cabling, generation heating, etc.

Technically the life of plastic road to be three times longer than the regular road, the exact feature will be proven once after installed. This time it has accumulated based on the other regular products. If we will say the noise of the road then it could be a reduction with the help of some ingredients. More widely benefits to be it is completely prefabricated by the help of molding or extrusion technique. Due to prefabricate it is always enhancing the condition quality.
Most of the time it has confuses whether plastic road too smooth to provide enough traction during the winter season- Yes of course plastic is not stiff enough. If needed during the formulation of sand and crushed stone to be used.

Sun/UV effect exposure for prolonged or thermal expansion: In this time most of the places have used plastic products in the civil sector, examples scaffolding, sheet piling, bridges, and light poles, etc.

These products have no problem have noticed yet for prolonging and expansion which is effective to product and application.

Plastic road toxics in case of Fire: For fire prevention mostly will be used the components of fire retardant or fire resistance coatings to avoid flame capture.

Most of the time peoples are raised questions, whether it is bad for the environment or after friction would release dangerous gas which will impact on the environment- Of course, this is the plastic material which basic raw is petrochemical and if we will freely suspend in an open area then never release any dangerous gas like carbon dioxide and chlorine, etc. but for that more prevention might be eco-friendly coating layer to be applied.

plastic road for future
plastic road fir future

The disadvantage of Plastic Road:

Everything in this universe having advantages and disadvantages of that product, so of course when it under planning to calculate the percentage of positive and negative. If positive is more hobby in negative, then it should be a green signal for further process. Most challenging task to be collected good quality of plastic waste, availability and segregating of unique objects.


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